When deciding whether to buy a home in today’s climate, you’ll want to think beyond market conditions and focus on your individual circumstances. Here are some personal considerations to keep in mind. Financial health Take stock of your current savings, credit score, and debt. Can you afford a home? Or does renting make more sense?  Housing is a […]

Personal considerations: Are you ready to buy and own a house?

Market Update


Starter homes are getting even smaller. Inflation is hard-felt by typical Americans, even if it seems to be mostly under control on paper. It’s hit the housing market too, only in the form of shrinkflation. Homes are getting smaller—and more costly. In fact, they’re hitting levels we haven’t seen since 2009 and 2010, after the Great Recession. […]

Starter homes are shrinking in size—but not in price

Market Update


If 2024 didn’t see you owning your own home, maybe it is on your vision board for 2025. Homeownership offers more than just a permanent place to call your own, it also comes with a whole host of tax benefits that can significantly impact your bottom line. Understanding these advantages can help you make informed […]

Tax Advantages of Homeownership

Market Update


Potential homebuyers are responding to lower mortgage rates and a higher supply of homes for sale. That fueled mortgage demand last week, as consumers looking to refinance pulled back. Total mortgage application volume rose 2.8% compared with the previous week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s seasonally adjusted index. An additional adjustment was made for […]

Homebuyer demand for mortgages jumped 6%, as interest rates fell to the lowest level in over a month

Market Update


One of the best ways to build your family’s financial future is through homeownership. The Federal Reserve reports the net worth of a homeowner is actually over 40 times greater than that of a renter. Maybe it’s time to start thinking about buying a home, especially when they’re so affordable in today’s market. Every three […]

A Homeowner’s Net Worth Is 40x Greater Than a Renter’s

Market Update


Existing Home Sales, which reflect closings on existing homes, fell for the secondstraight month in September, down 1% from August and 3.5% from a year ago. The3.84-million-unit pace represents a 14-year low as NAR’s Chief Economist, LawrenceYun, noted that “home sales have been essentially stuck at around a four-million-unitpace for the past 12 months.” Regarding […]

Existing Home Sales Slide for Second Straight Month

Market Update


Since the Fed cut rates 50 basis points on September 18th, we’ve seen 30-year fixed mortgage rates rise meaningfully. You may be wondering how this can be. The Fed is reducing the Fed Funds Rate, which is not mortgage rates or even a long-term rate. The Fed Funds Rate is a very short-term rate, literally […]

Mortgage Rate Update

Market Update


On average, 40% of builders’ single-family home sales so far in 2024 have been made to first-time home buyers, according to the most recent NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index survey (HMI).  That share has doubled since 2016, when only 19% of builders’ sales went to first-time buyers. Our limited time-series on this topic in the […]

First-Time Buyer Share for New Homes is Slipping

Market Update


After months of anticipation, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates on Wednesday by half a percentage point. That will have an impact on the housing market — but it’s unlikely to make a huge difference for those struggling to afford a home. Mortgage rates might not actually drop much further right now Mortgage rates have been pretty […]

Here are 4 ways the Federal Reserve’s big rate cut could change the housing market

Market Update


Mortgage interest is the fee you pay for borrowing money to buy a home. It’s calculated as a percentage of the loan amount and is paid over the life of the mortgage. This interest rate can be fixed or adjustable and is added to your monthly payments throughout the loan term.  For example, with a […]

What is mortgage interest and how does it work?

Market Update